by LLC | Sep 26, 2022
Being able to breastfeed was really important to me so when my little girl first latched on and I felt pain and discomfort I felt like a failure. 2 days in my breasts were blistered, scabbed and sore. The endless YouTube videos and searches on google to try and...
by LLC | Sep 23, 2022
I was on the verge of quitting breastfeeding because of how painful it still was at 5 weeks postpartum and was getting nowhere with countless hours of googling and watching breastfeeding videos. We first saw [my lactation consultant] by video call, but I was...
by LLC | Sep 23, 2022
[My lactation consultant] was enormously helpful when we ran into issues with our first daughter, putting us on a schedule that allowed me to build my supply and combination feed for the first five months (when I was ready to give up on breastfeeding after a few...
by LLC | Jun 12, 2022
I had a series of digital consultations with [my lactation consultant] in the days and weeks after my daughter’s birth (my home was outside of the home visit catchment area). My daughter and I had an incredibly rocky start; I had heard breastfeeding was...
by LLC | Jun 12, 2022
I just had my second baby and remembered [London Lactation Consultants] helped me with my first one. Somehow this time it was harder than the first time but I wouldn’t have made it without [my lactation consultant]. She was always super helpful always answered my...
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