by LLC | Feb 18, 2023
My son was born in January 2022 with low birth weight, tongue tie and issues with upper body stiffness. I had been absolutely set on breastfeeding from the moment I found out I was pregnant but my son was failing to gain weight and my supply wasn’t coming in due...
by LLC | Sep 23, 2022
I was on the verge of quitting breastfeeding because of how painful it still was at 5 weeks postpartum and was getting nowhere with countless hours of googling and watching breastfeeding videos. We first saw [my lactation consultant] by video call, but I was...
by LLC | Jul 22, 2021
[My Lactation Consultant] has been fantastic- her tailored advice and support has enabled me to continue breastfeeding despite multiple issues including a posterior tongue tie, low milk supply, breast/nipple pain and insufficient baby weight gain. I found [my...
by LLC | Jul 22, 2021
[My Lactation Consultant] was so helpful when I experienced pain and damage when trying to establish breastfeeding. We had a number of video call consultations and then a home visit at which she diagnosed tongue tie after an examination of my baby. I am so thankful to...
by LLC | May 13, 2021
We worked with [my Lactation Consultant] at their clinic after my friend recommended her services. To say we were desperate for some support and practical guidance was an understatement. She ensured we left the clinic with a clear, manageable and pragmatic short term...
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