Skye, Twickenham
I had my first child two weeks early, just as I finished work and before I had a chance to get into first time parent mode and get at least a clue of what was to come, particularly in respect of breastfeeding. Our son had to have a fairly heavy handed instrument delivery and a tongue tie, which we got snipped fairly early. It would be an understatement to say how challenging I found breastfeeding, and how much of a “deer in headlights” I felt, just completely overwhelmed and so stressed with the idea I was struggling to feed my new Bub. My husband contacted London Lactation Consultants and was able to come as soon as we needed. It would be another understatement to say what a lifeline she was for us, me in particular at that time. Firstly, from the moment we connected with her, she was in regular contact, checking on us and preparing us for her visit and she was prepared to make herself available if we felt we really needed her. The techniques for feeding that she gave us were so helpful and worked for us, and although it still took a little while for things to run smoothly, I persisted with the tips gave and now breastfeeding is genuinely easy, my son almost independently latches. I would have never believed this was possible at the start. However above all, was so incredibly kind and compassionate to us, not only about the breastfeeding but the whole newborn experience. She really listened and reassured me what I was going through was normal and valid. This was without a doubt one of the best decisions we ever made to connect with London Lactation Consultants and we are looking to use them when we start weaning.