by LLC | Jun 12, 2023
It’s hard to believe all those months ago when you came to our home to help me with feeding my twins that I would be so far on in my journey. Today the boys are 6 months and we are still going strong. Despite how ready I was to stop due to pain I’m now not sure when...
by LLC | Apr 14, 2023
From the moment [my lactation consultant] arrived we felt supported. She has a very easy, warm and straight-forward approach. She picked up almost instantly on what was going on for us (a very strong let down and oversupply) and had practical solutions that she helped...
by LLC | Feb 18, 2023
My son was born in January 2022 with low birth weight, tongue tie and issues with upper body stiffness. I had been absolutely set on breastfeeding from the moment I found out I was pregnant but my son was failing to gain weight and my supply wasn’t coming in due...
by LLC | Sep 23, 2022
I was on the verge of quitting breastfeeding because of how painful it still was at 5 weeks postpartum and was getting nowhere with countless hours of googling and watching breastfeeding videos. We first saw [my lactation consultant] by video call, but I was...
by LLC | Sep 23, 2022
My baby was born premature and he spent the first two weeks of his life in SCBU being fed mostly via an ng tube with some bottle feeding at the start… Breastfeeding was really important to me and at the time it felt like it was bound to fail since my baby had...
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